September 8, 2008: I decide that it's time to start running again. I started off with a couple miles each run and started getting to the point where I could run for more than 30 minutes. I was feeling pretty good running about 3x/week.
October 14, 2008: My jogs started to get a little easier, and a little longer. Feeling very confident that I was getting back in shape, I decided to enter the Ole Man River Half-Marathon for November 23rd.
November 9, 2008: I complete my first 10-mile run since before the babies! It felt I know that this half-marathon is doable.
November 13, 2008: I get sick...out of running for the next week.
November 23, 2008: Race Day! I cruised along for about the first 8 miles. Jason and the girls met me at miles 3 and 8. Seeing the girls was like a little energizer for the next mile or so.

After the turn-around, I started getting tired. Just as I started thinking "when do runners get their second wind?" I hit a wall. Everything was fine except for my legs. I was breathing fine, my heart rate was okay, but I felt like my legs were full of lead! I managed to finish in 2:06:30. Not the best time...but the race was definitely humbling! Next time...I'll try training for more than 10 weeks. As you can see from the picture...I didn't sprint the finish :)

Next up...the Mardi Gras Half Marathon on February 1, 2009. Come out and join me!