Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Nana, the twins, and I went out for a little Krispy Kreme fun this morning. I wasn't really sure how the girls would like the hats...or the donuts.

We put a donut on the table to distract them, then slipped the hats on when they weren't paying attention.

Both girls had a blast eating their first Krispy Kreme. They never even noticed the silly hats on their heads. I figured they'd make the donuts into mash while they stripped off the icing, but both girls finished off a whole donut and some! (Now you know they're going to be swimmers!)

There is no lack of appetite in this family!

We had a good time and got some good pictures out of it.

Yeah donuts!!!

1 comment:

Summir said...

yummy donuts...starting them early lena! haha :)